"Boyd is a professional across the board. He creates a comfortable environment and experience. He will always tell you his plan and what to expect. He has a reassuring and calm presence. I have personally experienced fantastic results in the areas of women's health and pain management. I recommend him 100%"
Online Resources
NCCAOM.ORG The National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
NCALB.STATE.NC.US The North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board
NCCAM.NIH.GOV The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
AAAOMONLINE.ORG National acupuncture education, practice, and legislative advocacy organization
ITMONLINE.ORG Comprehensive site on Chinese and Ayurvedic (Indian) indigenous medicines
BLUEPOPPY.COM Informative articles and blog about Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture
REDWINGBOOKS.COM Excellent resource for books, charts, and multimedia about Chinese medicine
PPNF.ORG Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation site: excellent whole foods nutrition database
ICEAM.ORG The Institute of Classics in East Asian Medicine
THE LANTERN.COM.AU Inspiring scholarly insights into classical Chinese medicine from Down Under
THEACUPUNCTURECLINIC.CO.NZ Nice practitioner site chock full of Chinese medical info & treatable conditions
YINYANGHOUSE.COM Nice practitioner site featuring information about traditional Chinese medicine theory
WAKEHEALTH.EDU/CENTER-FOR-INTEGRATIVE-MEDICINE Wake Forest Baptist Health's Center for Integrative Medicine
FACEBOOK.COM/ACUBOYD Piedmont Acupuncture's Facebook Page
PIEDMONTACUPUNCTURE.WORDPRESS.COM Piedmont Acupuncture's Research Blog
PINTEREST.COM/ACUBOYD Boyd's Chinese calligraphy and brush painting original works and pics of Chinese medicine in action